WildStar Hands-On: Is Innovation Overrated? (PC Gamer)

Mike Donatelli, design director for Carbine’s upcoming MMORPG WildStar, isn’t exactly your friendly neighborhood developer. The games community could probably use a bit more folks like him. Back during PAX Prime, he tells me, a casual raider complained about how WildStar seemed designed to keep him from getting top-tier gear without joining a 40-man raiding…

Magicka: Wizard Wars’ MOBA-tastic Simplicity (IGN)

I’m not a very good wizard, and I can accept that. When I played early access preview of Magicka: Wizard Wars last week, I found that I’ve forgotten many of the spell combinations I’d known so well from the 2011 action-adventure game, and I thus ended up frying or electrocuting many of my teammates in…