3D Slots Review (Gamezebo)

Playing slots is fun enough when you’re on the floor of a big name casino in Las Vegas, but I laughed at the thought of enduring the same Facebook. After all, the “game” at its core is really no more than pulling a lever and hoping several icons load up for the chance of winning…

BlizzCon 2011: Mists of Pandaria Overview (GameSpy)

So it’s true. After years of player speculation, after occasional outright begging from both Alliance and Horde players, Chris Metzen announced during the opening ceremony of BlizzCon that new World of Warcraft expansion, known as “Mists of Pandaria,” would feature a race of pandas known as the Pandaren. The applause was loud but not deafening,…

BlizzCon 2011: Blizzard DOTA Impressions

My experience with DOTA (or Defense of the Ancients) is minimal at best, and so I feared trying out Blizzard DOTA for the first time against a team of experienced action-RTS vets at BlizzCon. Given the original game’s reputation, I half expected them to start bashing my feeble attempts at victory in person. My only…

BlizzCon 2011: Pandaren Monk Hands-On (GameSpy)

Pandas? I won’t deny that I was convinced that it was all a big joke for the tiniest of seconds. After years of brooding Death Knights, ravenous Worgen, and even the debut of the greedy but familiar Goblins as a playable class, Blizzard’s introduction of the furry, brew-chugging Pandaren as a real race seemed like…

LOTRO: Rise of Isengard Review (GameSpy)

“This tale,” J.R.R. Tolkien said in a foreword to The Lord of the Rings so long ago, “grew in the telling.” The same might be said of Turbine Studios’ ambitious Lord of the Rings Online, which has seen its playerbase, content, and reams’ worth of story text mushroom since its first appearance back in 2007.…