A Dictionary Review

Eh, here you can read a listing of what are supposedly the best dictionaries. The author comes to the conclusion that the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is the best. Yeah, right. Just because we live in America doesn’t mean that we have to limit ourselves to American dictionaries. The Webster has stupid definitions (and not enough…

Mission Accomplished! Trilogy Tuesday Awaits!

Verily, verily, I say unto you, I have never appreciated being from South Texas and living near the great city of Corpus Christi more than I have today. This is because last night I managed to get two tickets to Trilogy Tuesday for the breathtaking low price of $10.00! Admittedly, I feel profoundly sorry for…

Well, I just had one of the high points of the semester–tired of waiting for the scores from my graduate foreign language examination (in French), I went up to my department’s office and asked where I might find them. Amazingly, the scores had arrived just five minutes before I got there, and I learned that…

Need Trilogy Tuesday Tickets!

OK, I admit it. I’m a Tolkien geek. But at least I can say that I’ve been one before the movie was even a rumor. Anyway, there are evidently some limits to my geekiness since I was not aware that New Line Cinema was going to host Trilogy Tuesday, during which all three Lord of…