Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches Review (GameSpot)

If The Knife of Dunwall downloadable content allowed us to step into the shoes of Daud, the assassin responsible for making Corvo’s life such a mess in Dishonored proper, then The Brigmore Witches allows us to slip into his soul. There are witches here, yes, but this new chapter is just as much about a…

Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians Review (GameSpot)

Music is condemned to play a bit role in most platformers: no matter how good the composer is, and no matter how moving the score, this entire element of a game’s development can often be tuned out with little to no impact on the gameplay. Not so with Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians. Here is…

Payday 2 Review (GameTrailers)

Payday 2 may look a little like its Left 4 Dead-inspired predecessor when viewed from afar, but there’s a pleasingly improved if familiar experience waiting under the franchise’s new mask. Before, we were working with rookies who approached every heist with guns blazing. Now, we now have the opportunity to work as experience-hardened masterminds who…

Divinity: Dragon Commander (GameFront)

Dragons, real-time strategy, and political simulation? Under different circumstances, Divinity: Dragon Commander could have been pitched as the game version of Aegon’s Conquest from A Song of Ice and Fire, and with minimal changes to to boot. Ditch the steampunk aesthetic, ground the airships to the water, and trade some of those turrets for catapults,…

EverQuest Next and Player Interaction (IGN)

EverQuest Next may have dazzled us with promises of a destructible fantasy world and parkour-trained heroes during the MMORPG’s recent unveiling, but once you ventured beyond the carefully prepared videos and statements, you ran into a near-unassailable wall of evasive answers. Key features such as PvP and group-based combat remain cloaked in secrecy, as does…

EverQuest Next’s Innovation Through Destruction (IGN)

On the screen, a lumbering Kerran warrior slashed his way through foes in a whirlwind of blades, while by his side, a mage teleported a few yards forward to keep up with him. So far, I thought, so familiar. Impressive though the models were, their flashy variations on familiar MMO attacks left me ready to…