The Case For Wrath of the Lich King (GameSpy)

Perhaps it had something to do with the heatwave I recently suffered through in the not-so-Windy City. Perhaps it had something to do with my realizing that Deathwing, the arch-villain of the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion, had vanished into dragon rehab or something for the last few months. All I know is that on…

Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising Review (GameSpy)

The great Caesar Augustus — namesake of our eighth month, and initiator of the Pax Romana — once famously remarked that he found Rome in bricks and left her in marble. It’s a statement that should have been particularly inspiring for the folks over at Heatwave, the development team that inherited this dusty relic of…

WoW Patch 4.2 Analysis (GameSpy)

It’s always too soon for poor Ragnaros. Only four hours after World of Warcraft patch 4.2 was launched on Tuesday, the dreaded firelord’s comeback tour was cut short by some upstart Horde players on the Deathwing server. Never mind that no one’s defeated the hard version of the fight yet; never mind that the guild…