Marry Me?

I came across this sight recently on one of my walks down to the Point and was taken aback by the mystery, and indeed, the simple beauty of it. As I was walking, I thought about a hundred happy scenarios dealing with how a person would have used such a sign, well aware that my…

Movie Review: The Illusionist

As a generation, we are used to illusions, so much so that the question of how the act is performed is not so important as how perfectly it is performed.  We can watch in awe as an orange tree bloom in seconds from a small seed in Neil Burger’s new film The Illusionist, but we…

All Wet

So it’s 4:22 AM and I want nothing more right now than to get some sleep. And until 3:30 or so, that’s exactly what I was doing. But there’s a problem. Right now it’s storming so badly in Chicago that a thunder blast a few minutes ago set off a few car alarms down on…